When Does a Tooth Need a Root Canal?
TEETH ARE SAVED by root canal therapy more than 41,000 times a day in the US, adding…
DetailsCall Now: (336) 586-9696
TEETH ARE SAVED by root canal therapy more than 41,000 times a day in the US, adding…
DetailsTHE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION of Endodontists is a professional organization dedicated to…
DetailsIN THE MIDDLE AGES, the English didn’t understand much about cavities or gum…
DetailsDO YOU KNOW what the parts of the human tooth are? We’d like to give you a quick…
DetailsTHERE ARE MANY different types of tooth pain, and they mean very different things. This is why…
DetailsTHIS MAY, WE’RE celebrating Save Your Tooth Month. A healthy mouth is the gateway to a healthier…
DetailsTHROUGHOUT HISTORY, different cultures have come up with some pretty unusual solutions for dental health problems. Let’s take a look at a few of the weirdest ones. 1. Mice for Pain Management? These days, when we hear the word “painkiller,” we generally think of little pills. Ancient Egyptians were more likely to think of mice.…
DetailsMANY COMMON DENTAL procedures are a mystery to the average person, but knowing a…
DetailsWE’RE CURIOUS: HOW MUCH do you know about the different specialties within the…